Monday, February 24, 2014

A Goal Without A Plan is Just a Wish!

Goal Setting Setting a goal provides you with the incentive and motivation you will need to stay the course for the task at hand.  When I first started my entrepreneurial adventure my goals were S. M. A. R. T. By following the  S. M. A. R. T. goal setting idealology from the start my odds of success were increased.   S. M. A. R. T. goals are: S. Specific M. Measurable A. Attainable R. Relevant T. Time-Bound One...
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Monday, February 10, 2014

Hard work does lead to failure, ooops, I mean success.

The truth behind succeeding.   You would be surprised by how many people are unaware of the amount of failure experienced when we set out to achieve a goal.  Succeeding is not all of the glitz and glam portrayed on television.  When we view another person's success we only see the result.  We don't get to see the sleepless nights, the worry, or the failures.  All we see...
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Dare to Dream

I decided this year to face my fears!  My fears were standing in the way of achieving my goals and living a better life.  My biggest fear was my DREAMS.  I was afraid of how large they were and how difficult achieving them would be.  I realized that far too long I was sitting back and living my life according to what it should be instead of what I wanted it be.  This was...
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