Tuesday, July 31, 2012


To most people I’m just a dreamer.  Because I’m an extreme optimist and like to see the best in everything I’m a dreamer.  I believe that life is intended to be lived to the fullest and every moment should be relished.  Each experience offers a lesson or an opportunity.  I don’t believe my creator placed me here with all these goals, desires, dreams, wishes, and ideas to live life ordinarily.  I’m not talking living a luxurious or lavish life (although I wouldn’t...
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Monday, July 30, 2012


Anger is an emotion just like happiness, embarrassment, fear, and sadness.  Anger becomes dangerous when it becomes the foundation of your actions.  Anger is powerful and should be treated with respect.  How often have we seen perfectly sane and rational people make life altering decisions because of anger?  Anger is usually released when some sort of boundary has been crossed.  It tells us we’ve been hurt or violated and did not want to be.  It is how you...
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Friday, July 27, 2012

The Art of Perfection

Many are plagued with the idea that perfection is achievable.  I don’t believe it is.  Excellence is a definite, but not perfection.  Below are some quotes on the throws of perfection. “A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault.”  ~John Henry Newman “To escape criticism - do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” ~Elbert Hubbard Sometimes... when you hold out for everything, you walk away with nothing.  ~From...
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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Living in the past

One thing I’ve found is that a lot of people dwell in their past.  Know that each day is a new day and a new chance to do, be and see better!  Don’t focus on yesterday unless you want a mindset of woulda, shoulda, and coulda. Constantly practicing this thought pattern robs you of can, did, and done!  Enjoy some quotes on change and the past! "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy “One problem with...
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Creative thinking

Creativity is something we all have.  It isn't just the ability to sing, create art or write. It's the act of thinking outside of the standard.  It's the ability to see things differently and to share those thoughts or ideas with the masses.  Gone are the days of teaching students what to think and memorizing multiple tables and diagrams.  The most successful academic programs are teaching students how to think.  How to use the mind to think outside of the box....
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Monday, July 9, 2012

Debt is dumb!

The title sounds harsh but it's a reality.  Americans are up to their eyeballs in debt.  The average US household has $6,600 in credit card debt ($15,799 for households actively using credit).  This number may seem small but coupled with mortgage, automobile and student loan debt this number sky rockets. You may be unaffected by those numbers until life happens and a job is lost, or maybe interests rates increase.   More often than not small shifts in a families income...
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Sunday, July 8, 2012


Today is the start of a new week.  Today can also be the start of first step on your new journey in life.  The one thing that stops a lot of people is their inability to persevere.  Remember that nothing worth having will come easy, and their are a lot of obstacles on the road to Purpose and Destiny.  I hope that the quotes below give you the courage to propel you towards your destiny! “Entrepreneurship is like living a few years of your life like most...
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Saturday, July 7, 2012

“There are over 7 billion people in on Earth…and you’re going to let one person ruin you day?”-unknown

How often have we awakened believing we could conquer the world, we could do anything, and the sky was the limit?  Then you cross paths with the one individual whose sole purpose on Earth is the ruin your day with their negative thoughts and actions.  Well, in reality this is an extreme look at thing, but we too often allow our interactions with some individuals to alter our mood.  When you come in contact with someone whose behavior may alter yours “choose” not to allow...
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Friday, July 6, 2012

"Expect anything from anyone; the devil was once an angel." Dr...
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